Monday, August 4, 2008

Dispatch from the Stearnsy Bear Shop in Stotts City

Posted by the Cub Reporter: It's my sad duty to report that things have taken a turn for the worst here in Stotts City. You know we suspected that the owner was going off the deep end or at the very least spending too much time out back in the sun chipping golf balls. It's 95 out there today. But this latest escapade is too much. Charles was supposedly working on the website when Vicky left the shop. About that time the Neil Young song "Helpless" cued up and after looking to both ways to make sure no one was in the shop, he got up and danced. Or at least what might have passed for dancing back in 1972. Back when he was too young to know any better.  At least there was no air guitar. Is there no dignity left? Thank goodness no one else his age is pulling that kind of stunt. What must the children think? To quote Herbert Morrison at the crash of the Hindenburg, "Oh, the humanity, and all the passengers screaming around here!

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