Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stearnsy Bear Article From 2001

                                       This article is from Missouri Life Magazine in 2001.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stearnsy Bear Photo from Hallmark

This is a photo from Hallmark that features Stearnsy Bears. Hallmark did the setup and we supplied the bears. It was definitely made in to a poster. We have an old copy here in the shop. It may well have been on other Hallmark things. The date on this would be early 1980s. I apologize for the condition of the photo. We should have taken better care of it. Oh well, we fortunate to even have a copy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

From sleeves to a Stearnsy Bear

I had a fellow from Monett, Mo drop by the shop last week. He had been on the website and had seen that we do bears out of vintage furs. He had a few pieces to sell. Part of the way we work is being open to whatever may show up. What he had was a great vintage mink stole, a good muton and also something that we had never worked with before. Two pretty good size sleeves made from beaver fur. He didn't know what kind of coat they had come from and neither did we. But they were a cool fur. This is a little picture story about how they turned into a Stearnsy Bear.
This is what we bought. It had a soft, luxurious feel and a fairly dense pile.
This is what it looked like from the back. Many furs but not all are sewn together from very small pelts. If you look close you can see that these were exceptionally small which does make the fur harder to work with. We also didn't have a lot of it to work with which meant that how it was laid out to cut was more important than if you are working with a coat or jacket. You can't redo any of the pieces if you make a mistake.
 We cut out the pieces using our regular patterns, this is a 16" size. Then we cut out and glue white muslin to each piece of fur. We do this to strengthen the fur. Our experience has been that most vintage furs are very fragile and sometimes they will tear like tissue paper. This helps keep that from happening although there are many times what we would call nicks and bruises in each fur. Each fur even of the same type is different depending on the age, how often it was worn, how it was stored, etc. That is also what gives each one it's own character. Then we let the glued pieces dry fro 24 hours.
It's now ready for Vicky to sew.
Vicky sews each piece up inside out. That is one reason that we can't do small size bears from real fur. The pieces are too thick to turn right side out.
After she has sewn the bear up, she finishes the head.
Then I will joint the head as well as the arms and legs to the body. Then it is ready to for the bear to be stuffed. On this bear we had between 10 and 12 hours worth of work.
So here is our first Stearnsy Bear made from beaver fur. It turned out great. The bear was waiting in those sleeves, it just needed to be turned loose.
If the fellow from Monett hadn't come by, we would never had the opportunity to make this bear. We were glad he did.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Stearnsy Family History

Stearns Family. Audria and Emery Stearns' (Jim's mom and dad) 50th Anniversary. They're all gone now except for Sally Stearns and Charity Rose there in the backround. From left, Audria, Emery, Sally, Jim. Back, Loren (dad's older brother) and June. Charity Rose Rakoski (Stearns) has 2 daughters of her own now. Emma Rose and Annie Grace.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Presidential Candidates in Stotts City

Posted by the Cub Reporter: As the only reporter present, I have exclusive coverage of the Presidential Forum for Freedom held at the Stearnsy Bear Shop in Stotts City, Mo.
Senator Obama (left), Senator McCain (right) with moderator, Happy the clanking cymbal monkey, on stage at the Presidential Forum. After the forum was over, in this reporter's opnion, this being the Show Me State, we are still not sure where the buck  will stop. But if we can get a President with the grit and determination of Harry Truman, we'll be okay.
An honored guest was was the Spirit of harry Truman. Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. Lamar is only 45 miles from Stotts City and the spirit of Missouri's only president is still recognized and appreciated here. Truman's words of wisdom for the candidates before the forum was "If you can't stand the heat, you better get out of the kitchen."
The Cub Reporter on the record with the spirit of Harry Truman.
Truman on stage with the candidates. "Never be afraid to what's right."
Truman with baby daughter, Margaret.
Truman with friends at his habadashery store circa 1920.
Truman announces the surrender of Japan.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bigfoot captured in Stotts City

Posted by the Cub Reporter for the Stotts City Times. All the bear news that is fit to print.

Flash: Bigfoot captured In Stotts City.

Well, in the interest of journalistic integrity, I must say that he actually has turned himself in. After years of grainy photos, unfounded rumor and those very irritating Slim Jim ads, the truth is in. The Ozark Mountain Yeti Bear is alive and well and staying at the Stearnsy Bear Shop in Stotts City, Mo.

This reporter has obtained an exclusive interview with the Yeti.

               The Cub Reporter on the record with The Ozark Mountain Yeti Bear at his summer place.

Cub Reporter: Bigfoot, after 100s of years on the loose, why did choose now to turn yourself in?

Yeti: Please don’t call me Bigfoot. That is my uncle’s mother’s cousin. I am a Yeti in the long line of Yetis. I just felt that this is the right time, what with global warming and the possibility of the Cubs in the World Series and the advent of digital TV on February 17th. It is very hard to get HD on the top of a mountain.

Cub Reporter: What are your future plans?
Yeti: I am looking for a quiet new home. As nice as it is here in the bear shop, I am looking for a bit more peace and possibly a home with a chair. You try sitting on a rock for years on end.

Cub Reporter: Who do you prefer in the presidential election this year?
Yeti: I prefer Truman over Dewey.

Cub Reporter: You have been in the woods a long time.
Yeti: So very true.

Ozark Mountain Yeti Bear."Hootin and Hollerin." Which is no more than you would expect from the Ozark Yeti and don't call me, Bigfoot, please. He's my uncle's mother's cousin. Of course many people think only of Nepal when you mention Yeti. Those folks haven't been to the Ozarks. The Ozark branch of the Yetis did originate there. First mentioned in 1832, the James Prinsep's Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal published trekker B. H. Hodgson's account of the Yeti in northern Nepal. That was us. Then in 1959, actor James Stewart, while visiting India, reportedly smuggled remains of a supposed Yeti, the so-called Pangboche Hand, by concealing it in his luggage when he flew from India to London. Wouldn't you have thought better of Jimmy Stewart than that. What, "With Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and 'It's A Wonderful Life."
 Over the years the Ozark Yetis have become quite civilized from living in close proximity to the Ozark Mountain Hillbillies. It does rub off. Other than a penchant for hootin and hollerin at inopportune times, the Ozark Yeti is quite well behaved. Just don't take him to any funerals.
Cultural mentors of the Yeti Bear.
This great bear is made from a white color Schulte mohair. It has a 3 inch pile and it is lovely. It is also the most expensive mohair we have ever used. That's the good points. But it was real pain in the butt to work with. So there will be no encores. Even though here at Stearnsy Bears we have a never say die attitude. This was too hard so we're quitting on it.
The Society Page:
High Society went up a notch in Stotts City today when Ellen and Lou paid a visit to  the Stearnsy Bear Shop to pick up some new Stearnsy Bears to help civlize Texas.
Ellen and Lou. Ellen is the pretty one. Lou is holding Boom Boom and Big Ear. Ellen is holding Rover the dog and a bear who refused to give his name until he talked to his lawyer. Although I'm sure they'll sweet talk it out of him before they get back to Texas.
Life in Stotts City:
It's Saturdy Night in Stotts City and you know what that means. Pig's ears. The only difference between now and the old days is that the dogs are eating the pig's ears now.
Blondie our very good lab shown here enjoying hers. Rusty, our handsome and well behaved collie also got one as well. Spud, our bad little dog,  got his on the promise of good behavior yet to come. Don't turn your back on him though.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Strangers In Town

Posted by the Cub Reporter: It was a quiet Thursday morning here at the Stearnsy Bear Shop in Stotts City, but that was all about to change. It started when a KSN news wagon pulled up out in front of the shop. Normally Stotts City is my beat and a wee bit far off the beaten path to see much of the so called “Big Media” here. Of course, I knew immediately why they were here. Why just this morning, Wild Bill, after a night of honey wine at the Bear’s Den, had passed on to me, the rumor that Barrack Obama had been vacationing in Stotts City instead of Hawaii as had been reported. These guys obliviously were sharp to have jumped on it so quick. Why even as much as I trust Wild Bill, we were still looking for a second source before we bumped this story from rumor to reality. The presence of another news team was all the confirmation I needed.
Wild Bill on the record with the Cub Reporter.
But when they came into the shop, I found out that that was not the case at all. Either that or theses guys were really good. But no, it had turned out they had come to do a feature piece on the bears. Well of course, that showed that they were truly sharp reporters after all. Who wouldn’t want to see a story on the finest bears in the world? Of course, they made one mistake. They decide to interview the loudmouth who runs the place. That guy will never shut up and now they have put a mike on him. How come no one ever interviews any of the bears? They are the ones who truly know what is going now. Or if not that, then at least speak to the lovely and gracious Vickie Stearns. She is the real brains of this outfit. But these guys were pros. They knew how to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. It was a pleasure to watch brethren from a different media form ply their trade. Perhaps in these days when anyone with a cell phone camera fancies himself an Eddie Adams, a picture may not be worth a 1000 words. But it’s still worth a 100 anyhow. So now I can’t wait to see their story.
Brad Douglas (left) and Mike Denny of KSN along with
yours truly. Shades of Edward R. Murrow. These guys
are good. Buy their news at here.
As you can see from the photo, these guys didn’t look down their nose at a poor reporter who has to push a pencil for a living. I certainly appreciate that. Although if I tune in and see a story about Barack Obama in Stotts City, I will be ticked.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bird's Nest

"Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of Godyou count far more to him than birds."
The birds are gone but the evidence of them is still there. The evidence of things not seen.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Tiny Little Bitty Miz Scarlett

Tiny Little Bitty Miz Scarlett heard that Russia has invaded Georgia. She is quite worried about Atlanta. Her family has not forgotten what happened last time. If you have any information, leave word at the train station.
Tiny Little bitty Miz Scarlett. "Very big on gracious Southern Hospitality."
Miz Scarlett, a very small flower of the south, comes from a long line of the Tiny Little Bitty Family that traces their line back to before The War for Southern Independence. Why youall, know what Faulkner said about the South, "The past is never dead. It's not even past."

Miz Scarlett is ready to bring her style of gracious living to your home. And as a true daughter of the South you can be sure she would never comment on any unpleasantness.

If Miz Scalett has a tiny little fainting spell. Please put in her Beta copy of "Gone With The Wind" that has been handed down from one generation to the next. A good dose of Rhett Butler never fails to bring her around.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Old Firechief

Posted by the Cub Reporter: This could be happening in Stotts City right now if it was 1871 instead of 2008 and if this was Chicago instead of Stottts City.

Thank goodeness that is not what we are reporting tooday. And we want to keep it that way. That is why the Stotts City Volunteer Fire Deparment is raffleing off an all original one of kind Stearnsy Bear. "The Old Firechief", The Old firechief never dies, he just flames out.

The Old Chief, a proud volunteer fireman who worked his way up to chief. Although semi-retired now he is still ready at the drop of a fireman's hat, to gear up to protect and the serve the citizens of Stotts City, whether they be man or bear. The Chief wanted to be a fireman since elementary school. One day they brought the fire truck and real firemen came to the school and you got to sit behind the wheel of the fire truck and, even better. They gave you one of those red plastic fireman hats and you could take it home with you. What a country! Well, "The Old Chief" has been hooked ever since. Now he is ready to perform one more
service on behalf of the Stotts City Volunteer Firer Department. He will be going to live with whoever's ticket is drawn the night of the Stotts City Tractor Pull(also to benefit the fire dept.) He will be a solid family member wherever he winds up. All he asks is that you change the batteries in your smoke detector and if the fire phone rings. Well, you know where he'll need to go.
The Old Chief is a one of a kind all original Stearnsy Bear. The all jointed classic style Teddy Bear is handcrafted from a premium manmade synthetic material. His outfit is really unique. Vicky Stearns constructed the coat and boots from original Stotts City Fire Department equipment. About 10 years ago or so Ellen Marie Gartener of Stotts City has us make a custom bear for her husband Laverne, who had spent some years as the fire chief. She supplied the original discarded equipment. What "The Old Chief" is dressed in was left over from that original order. You can tell we hardly ever throw anything away. You never know when you might need half a fireman's coat and pants. We could not do another "Old Chief" even if we wanted to.
If you feel like you could help out the Stotts City Volunteer Fire Deparment call:
You need not be present to win. It would be much appreciated.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Typical Day in Stotts City

Posted by the Cub Preporter: I just want to brief all you Stotts City news fans about a typical summer day here at the old bear shop. Pictured above is the heart of the business district in Stotts City. Valet parking is always available. There are many things you can do in Stotts City. In fact to paraphrase Morgan Freeman's (did you hear he was in a wreck in Mississippi, I  hope he comes through okay) character Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding from the movie "The Shawshank Redemption."
"In Stotts City you can either git busy living or you can git busy buying a bear or gitting the mail, or gitting drunk or git busy dying." Because when you're in Stotts City you can visit Donna's Bar or the Stearnsy Bear Shop or the United States Post Office(not pictured, you'll have to take my word on it) or the Lakin Funeral Parlor. It's around the corner from the bar. Very handy. It's not really a parlor per say. They work on the dead folks in Pierce City and then haul them in. So it's more like a chapel. So if you are in need of any of these services please stop by. We're always open. Just don't look for a grocery store.
Here is a picture of some new folks enjoying their stay in Stotts City while they wait for new homes. "Hollander" (on the left) and "Capt'n Stotts of Lawrence County" (He's a Good American Stearnsy Bears) enjoy the cooling shade of the Stotts City Bandstand. It's where office workers would go to take their lunch if there were any offices in Stotts City.
It's funny how things work out here around the bear shop. We had no idea that Capt'n Stotts was going to show up. I'm sure all the smart people have a plan not just for today but for the future. That's why they are the successes they are and we spend our days making Teddy bears. It's daily proof to me that God has a sense of humor.

Anyhoo, we had run an ad in the Lawrence County Record, the outstanding local weekly paper, looking for vintage furs. Remind me not to do that again. We found out lots of people have furs in their closets and each is quite valuable to them. I mean, we can't afford to pay what Grandma paid. So like most of my ideas, I find this didn't work out like I envisioned. Probably that darned lack of planning. But one day a local couple showed up and they had a fur that had seen a lot of American History. I had my doubts but Vicky could see through what looked bad to the heart of the coat and she knew there was something special there. So we gave the elderly couple a check for $40.00. This made us feel good because we also helped out the local economy. They took that check right in to the bar next door. What happened to the money after is unknown to us.
Each fur coat is different. It depends on the type of fur, how they have stored, how good a quality they were to start with. So the fur kind of has the final say about what kind  of bear we can make. So with this fur we began to cut away the bad stuff. There are always what we would call nicks and bruises in older furs but to us that is just character. But this mink had been stored in a barrel in a shed for no telling how long. That's an improper fur storage technique. But as we began to trim, the fur that was left got better and better. You could see how beautiful the mink was. It had a really cool pattern effect in the grain. It's hard to see in the pictures. We cut most of the coat away but what was left was perfect. Then we started in with our own little bit of practical magic. So that is how Capt'n Stotts showed up. The Capt'n is around 22" tall standing up which is what he does when the flag passes by. The mink had a little twist which showed up in his face. We thought it gave him kind of a quizzical Stotts City look. You know like, "What just happened." Capt'n Stotts prefers not to go most places without his vintage American Flag. Capt'n always says ,"better safe than sorry, if you're not carrying a flag, how could anyone tell that you really are a Good American Bear."
So to close off our tour of Stotts City we leave you with the phrase that all us hicks around here like to say, "I thought I could make it." Wait, check that, that's what Charlie Estes said after a truck hit his car while he was trying to cross the highway. What I meant to say was "Only in America but mostly only in Stotts City."

Monday, August 4, 2008

Dispatch from the Stearnsy Bear Shop in Stotts City

Posted by the Cub Reporter: It's my sad duty to report that things have taken a turn for the worst here in Stotts City. You know we suspected that the owner was going off the deep end or at the very least spending too much time out back in the sun chipping golf balls. It's 95 out there today. But this latest escapade is too much. Charles was supposedly working on the website when Vicky left the shop. About that time the Neil Young song "Helpless" cued up and after looking to both ways to make sure no one was in the shop, he got up and danced. Or at least what might have passed for dancing back in 1972. Back when he was too young to know any better.  At least there was no air guitar. Is there no dignity left? Thank goodness no one else his age is pulling that kind of stunt. What must the children think? To quote Herbert Morrison at the crash of the Hindenburg, "Oh, the humanity, and all the passengers screaming around here!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Stearnsy Bear Weather Report

Breaking weather news out of Stotts City from "The Cub Reporter". It's hot, really, really hot.
Are you guys hot? Well it's hot here. I guess it should come as no surprise considering that this is Southwest MO in August. It's not a dry heat though it's a wet heat. As you can see from the picture of the Stearnsy Bear Shop we're in a pretty old building. In fact the year was 1916 according to the date scratched in the foundation out back. I don't think they gave much thought to air conditioning back then. It's 14 feet from the floor to from the ceiling which is the wonderful original pressed metal. Then 3 feet of empty space to a flat black roof. There is also a triple thick brick wall.

So to quote the "Old Perfessor," Casey Stengel, "Well, I must say, it sure holds the heat well."

But even though it's hot, the bears like it. It's only the people who complain. What I always say is come back in the winter time. It's really cold in here then. No matter what the weather, you are welcome to stop by the bear shop during any season. It's great here in the fall. We are always working on great new bears no matter what the time of year.

It wasn't to hot for Dave to stop in on Saturday to get buy special bears for each of his grandaughters. "Bluebelle" and "Mildred Garrainger" will hold a special place in their heart when they are old enough to have grandchildren of their own.

At Stearnsy Bears We Make Memories. http//www.stearnsybears.com

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Old Warrior in his new home

The Old Warrior arrived at the shop on Tuesday after a
long hard trip by parcel post. He thought they could have at least used Priority Mail. But all was forgiven after he saw the shop and all of his new friends. He was afraid he was destined to live out his days without a friendly bear to bend an ear with. But now here he is in a place with 1oos of new friends all anxious to hear his stories. Because at Stearnsy Bears polite conversation is still appreciated and gracious behavior is expected. The young bears still respect their elders as well.

Vicky was just as excited to see him as he was to see her. And then wonder of wonders she sat him in a chair with a cushion in the seat. He had never sat in a chair with a cushion in the seat, in fact he never knew such a pleasure existed. Now he had found a spot to spend the rest of his days.

The Old Warrior arrived with a couple of reddish spots on his fur. Later on that day we overheard him telling Wild Bill a story about them and how they had something to do with a Mexican Bandit. But we haven't verified that yet. You can stop by the shop any day to visit with him and the rest of the Stearnsy Bears of Stotts City. But allow enough time to hear a story or two.
