Thursday, August 14, 2008

Strangers In Town

Posted by the Cub Reporter: It was a quiet Thursday morning here at the Stearnsy Bear Shop in Stotts City, but that was all about to change. It started when a KSN news wagon pulled up out in front of the shop. Normally Stotts City is my beat and a wee bit far off the beaten path to see much of the so called “Big Media” here. Of course, I knew immediately why they were here. Why just this morning, Wild Bill, after a night of honey wine at the Bear’s Den, had passed on to me, the rumor that Barrack Obama had been vacationing in Stotts City instead of Hawaii as had been reported. These guys obliviously were sharp to have jumped on it so quick. Why even as much as I trust Wild Bill, we were still looking for a second source before we bumped this story from rumor to reality. The presence of another news team was all the confirmation I needed.
Wild Bill on the record with the Cub Reporter.
But when they came into the shop, I found out that that was not the case at all. Either that or theses guys were really good. But no, it had turned out they had come to do a feature piece on the bears. Well of course, that showed that they were truly sharp reporters after all. Who wouldn’t want to see a story on the finest bears in the world? Of course, they made one mistake. They decide to interview the loudmouth who runs the place. That guy will never shut up and now they have put a mike on him. How come no one ever interviews any of the bears? They are the ones who truly know what is going now. Or if not that, then at least speak to the lovely and gracious Vickie Stearns. She is the real brains of this outfit. But these guys were pros. They knew how to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. It was a pleasure to watch brethren from a different media form ply their trade. Perhaps in these days when anyone with a cell phone camera fancies himself an Eddie Adams, a picture may not be worth a 1000 words. But it’s still worth a 100 anyhow. So now I can’t wait to see their story.
Brad Douglas (left) and Mike Denny of KSN along with
yours truly. Shades of Edward R. Murrow. These guys
are good. Buy their news at here.
As you can see from the photo, these guys didn’t look down their nose at a poor reporter who has to push a pencil for a living. I certainly appreciate that. Although if I tune in and see a story about Barack Obama in Stotts City, I will be ticked.

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